Group Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in group volunteer opportunities at Healing House! Our volunteer groups help us complete so many important projects around our facilities, such as donation sorting, garden and grounds maintenance, resident events, and more! Currently we are able to accommodate groups of 15 people or less. 

Please fill out this form with information about your group and when you would like to serve. Once received, a member of our Development Team will reach out with next steps!

What's your email address?

Your information

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Group Leader First Name *
Group Leader Last Name *
Group Leader Phone Number *
Group Name *
How many participants do you expect to bring? *
Interested Dates *
What time of day would you prefer? *
City you are traveling from? *
State you are traveling from? *
Non-Disclosure Agreement (all participants will receive their own to sign as well when registering)
◻ Honor Confidentiality
◻ Respect the Volunteer Mission and Vision Statements
◻ Deal with conflicts in an appropriate manner
◻ Respect the property of Healing House, Participants and others
◻ Do not accept valuable gifts or money from Participants
◻ Offer constructive criticism about our organization in an appropriate manner
◻ Follow through on commitments and notify volunteer coordinator if you will be absent
◻ Treat staff, Participants, other volunteers and community members without discrimination
◻ Dress appropriately, physical work requires adequate clothing
◻ Smoking is allowed only in designated areas
◻ No fraternizing or inappropriate conversations
I Agree to the Volunteer Non-Disclosure Agreement *
Thank you for applying
Thank you for applying to serve with your group. To protect the safety of our participants, you must agree to the volunteer code of conduct. Each group member will sign for themselves, you are only signing as the group leader. If you need more time to decided, please come back at a later time to finalize your application. Thank you!


Who is this registration for?


We are thrilled that you have chosen to volunteer with Healing House. Volunteers are a vital part of achieving our goal to make Healing House a more equipped community. There are many opportunities for you to help our growing ministry. Since our humble beginnings, we’ve seen many milestones, and our volunteers have played a significant role by contributing time, skills, money and passion toward advancing our goals.

▶ MISSION: The mission of the volunteer team is to support the staff and program participants of Healing House, helping to enrich each person’s life and spiritual well-being–including our own– by giving our time, skills, and resources.
▶ VISION: Volunteers are engaged, energized and fulfilled members of the Healing House family as they offer their support, skills, and time in service to our community.
▶ SCOPE: Healing House expects all volunteers to review and sign the provisions of this agreement.
▶ DEFINITIONS: As used in this agreement, the following terms not otherwise defined will have the following meanings:

◇ BEST PRACTICES: procedures adopted by the Healing House executive team as guidelines for interacting with Participants. Best practices include the Code of Conduct setting forth expectations of volunteers interacting with Participants.
◇ CERTIFICATION: completion of the additional inquiries for Direct Service Volunteers and Professional Volunteers which include but may not be limited to 6 hours of ethics training. And to be renewed periodically as determined by the volunteer coordinator.
◇ DIRECT CONTACT: the care, supervision, counseling, transportation, or control of participants that is expected to occur on a regular or ongoing basis.
◇ PARTICIPANT: a person currently or previously in a Healing House program, including people who use facilities or receive services from Healing House.
◇ VOLUNTEER: an unpaid person formally recognized by the agency to provide services
◇ DIRECT SERVICE VOLUNTEER: a volunteer who has unsupervised direct contact with participants.
◇ PROFESSIONAL VOLUNTEER: a volunteer who uses their license, registration, or certification as required by profession to provide a service.
◇ MINOR VOLUNTEER: a volunteer under the age of 18.

1. THE MINIMUM AGE for serving in construction, as a Direct Service Volunteer or Professional Volunteer is 18. The minimum age for other volunteer positions is 12.
2. A MINOR VOLUNTEER must have a permission by a parent or legal guardian or be accompanied by one.
3. ALL VOLUNTEERS are to complete an application, including applicant’s
(A) acknowledgement of their review and acceptance of this agreement, including the Code of Conduct, and
(B) consent to any criminal or other background review required by law or this agreement. ◻
This application includes a self disclosure of prior criminal history and of any existing state or federal disqualification from serving as a volunteer.
3. DIRECT SERVICE VOLUNTEERS AND PROFESSIONAL VOLUNTEERS will have additional inquiries required by the DMH. These include, but may not be limited to
(A) an inquiry of the Missouri Department of Social Services (DSS) and the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) to determine whether the person is on a disqualification list;
(B) an inquiry of the Missouri Department of Mental Health (DMH) to determine if the person is on its disqualification registry;
(C) a criminal background check; and
(D) 6 hours of ethics training. Healing House will cover the cost of Certification, including all background checks.
4. DIRECT SERVICE AND PROFESSIONAL VOLUNTEERS need to maintain licenses and ethical training requirements, and stay in good standing with all agencies required for the person to provide their services sponsored by Healing House. Participate in any online or in-person orientation and training provided by Healing House relevant to the volunteer’s assignments.
5. COMPLY with additional Best Practices adopted from time to time.
6. VIOLATIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT, including the Code of Conduct, or other exploitation, harassment, intimidation or abuse of a Participant committed by a volunteer should be reported to the volunteer coordinator.
7. Sign a confidentiality agreement
8. Sign a waiver of liability.

◻ Honor Confidentiality
◻ Respect the Volunteer Mission and Vision Statements
◻ Deal with conflicts in an appropriate manner
◻ Respect the property of Healing House, Participants and others
◻ Do not accept valuable gifts or money from Participants
◻ Offer constructive criticism about our organization in an appropriate manner
◻ Follow through on commitments and notify volunteer coordinator if you will be absent
◻ Treat staff, Participants, other volunteers and community members without discrimination
◻ Dress appropriately, physical work requires adequate clothing
◻ Smoking is allowed only in designated areas
◻ No fraternizing or inappropriate conversations